01 September 2005

pad thai bliss

so i've been craving pad thai for the past week, and today i finally got it. it was great, but i definitely stuffed myself stupid. after tomorrow, it's back to cheap groceries and not much eating out anymore, since we will FINALLY be moved into our apartment!

this morning, tim (our team leader for campus ministry) and i met with a prof at BU. she is mad cool, and it was good to talk with her...we shared our vision for campus ministry (at BU and in general), and she shared with us some crazy stories of churches she and her husband tried to get plugged into over the past three years. like the one church that sent them a LETTER basically saying, "yeah, you can come here, but we don't want you to be involved." or another church where the overwhelming attitude is: "you need to have lived here 3-5 years before we can be friends with you."

seriously. no worries: our church will not be like this.

last night was dinner at tim's place. invited guests were me and a few others that are in some way connected to sojourn (those of us starting campus ministries) or the boston partnership (starting the church). it was fantastic...great conversation, home-cooked food, and 6 little kids chasing each other through the house. :) with each week, maybe even daily, the purposes and vision for why we are here becomes more and more clear. in talking with tim this week, we are totally on the same page with a rough outline of starting campus ministry: basically, we just want to form some really solid small communities over the next couple years. and as those communities grow, then campus ministries can start forming on the different campuses, depending on where the people in these communities are students. kinda like mitosis!! (me = biology nerd). we sketched out a 5-year plan for this. and, i mean, it's a sketch...it's on God's time, not ours. but i think starting small and being patient are two really good things, and definitely always better than cramming Jesus down everyones' throats (i'm not alluding to any specific organizations here, i'm just saying) because no one likes that, including Jesus.

so, it's going to take some time. but, then again, most good things do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! kim, it sounds amazing out there. it'll be so exciting to see how God uses you guys and your ministry! way to go!!