30 April 2006

a sad day

it was a sad day for Trek.
why would you steal her tires? and on a beautiful
Sunday afternoon in broad daylight, no less?
sad, sad day.

how now will i commute?
Trek is always my quickest, and most
reliable, option. we were just getting back into the groove, after a
six-month hibernation.

there are moments - and they are only that; brief
five minute lapses - when i just want to be
done. with this city, with these people. thank God
my love for it, and them, runs deep. very deep.

01 April 2006


i love april. not that march was a bad month at all, it was actually quite good. but april means spring is here. maybe not to stay, but here nonetheless.

i had a blissful run today. in shorts and a yellow t-shirt. but apparently the yellow wasn't bright enough for the scion that almost hit me. other than that, it was everything running through a nice warm rain, accompanied by the beautiful sounds of baseball practice, is supposed to be. bliss, i tell you.

this weekend i started tutoring my kids in biology. i was way more excited than they were, but they are smart kids and did well.

happy april.