21 August 2007


so, i'm pretty sure the few people that did read this blog have probably peaced-out by now, seeing as my updates are even fewer and farther between...but, if you are still here, i'll briefly share my ever-evolving life:
  • moving: to Dorchester in a few days...if you know Boston, you know that this is tagged as a very low-income, high-violence part of town. a place where most try to move out, not in. a place - particularly the Uphams Corner/Quincy St communities - that has captured my heart. i can't freaking wait to be living within this community, rather than commuting to it as an outsider.
  • teaching: sort of. i'll be doing my teaching internship at Boston Arts Academy, a Boston Public School. i've only spent a couple hours there so far (and teacher professional days start next week - hooray!), but i'm falling pretty hard for these kids already...
  • grad-schooling: oh right, that other part of my program...evening classes. should be amazing though, as my ed class this summer was great.
  • running: of course. training for half-marathon #7. :)
  • loving: the kids of Quincy St. and maybe playing a lil' guitar on the side.
to recap: living in a community-house in Dot, teaching urban teenagers, learning, growing, loving...yeah, pretty much living the dream. can't wait.