16 April 2007


i've chosen Tufts!

first class in t-minus 11 weeks.

very exciting. very scary. very...good.

go Jumbos??

10 April 2007


so i ventured back to indiana for the Easter weekend. simply put, things i like/miss about indiana:
  • green. green grass, green trees, flowers...spring is in April, not June. weird.
  • hugs.
  • grandma's cooking.
  • dance parties in the car.
  • did i mention hugs?
after a delightful weekend absorbing the above, i came home last night to a nice big envelope from Tufts. accepted! (finally). hooray. :)

since i don't post much, i'm guessing my next post might mention what the heck i'll be doing come June (read: new things). basically, the question to be answered (soon) is: Tufts, Brandeis, or Neither??? to the five of you that actually read this, i love feedback...