30 October 2006


the new and improved sojourn website!! [also see link to the right]

bobby, good work!

22 October 2006

game, set, match.

small victories of the past couple weeks...
  • 665 Beacon St: our new* office.
  • B.A.A. half-marathon: check.
  • first camping/hiking expedition in VT: first successful** trip with nate.
  • bike accident in packard's corner: didn't die.
  • second attempt at the GRE: improved by a whole 10 points.
  • submission of first grad school application: not super-confident, but hopeful.
*new = new-to-us. it's slightly ghetto, but with some fresh paint and Ikea furniture, we should be settled in soon.
**successful = no injuries/frostbite. AND, it was actually several steps beyond successful [i.e. amazing], thanks to a little stop here.