21 May 2006

year number one.

this weekend marks one year of my living in boston. well, technically, i've just hit the 9-month mark, but add the 3 months of summer '04, which very much count, and you get one year.

to commemorate this grand occasion, i thought i would share some reflections and stories. but instead, i think i'll just fly to Zurich, Switzerland in a few days. yep, that sounds like a lot more fun. :)

momma and i are flying out thursday! look for pictures upon my return...

15 May 2006

monsoons of may

so, i like rain and all, but eight straight days is a little excessive.

three girls from work and i have started a small group. it's pretty great. at times i am a little overwhelmed by it though...i mean, i am the "minister" of the group, and even though i feel my Bible knowledge is decent, i'm realizing it's really not. the good news is, we are pretty much starting from scratch, so i look like a genius. :) when we sat down a couple weeks ago, they wanted to know everything about the Bible because they all admit to have never really read it. not sure where to start, i threw out some fun facts...like, it's got 66 books, Old and New Testaments, it's the Word of God, etc. they responded with gasps and wide eyes, and i could just see their intrigue and hunger growing. we discussed possible books to start with, and somewhere along the line, Cain and Abel came up. they had never heard the names or the story. so, i read it to them. many questions followed. it was awesome. i've never been so excited to read about Cain and Abel in my entire life.

tonight our discussion started off with questions about the differences between all religions. not just all protestant groups, all religions. holy crap. maybe i should go to seminary. i only took one religions class in college, and slept through it or skipped it half the time.

so anyway, small group is going well. Sojourn things have slowed down with the end of the school year, and (fun) fundraising is fast approaching. yay.

since the snow finally left us in early april, i've been running and biking (well, until Trek's tires were stolen) a lot. which has been great, except for when i rolled my ankle while trail running in NH. (disclaimer: not nate's fault). i've finally been able to run again the past two weeks, but i think my foot hates me. probably because i'm pretty sure i broke some bones in there somewhere, but without health insurance, who knows. i'm trying to be nice to it, but i still run because, well, that's what i do. and, now i'm officially on Team Luna, like one of the eight core runners! we get uniforms and everything, so i'm super stoked about that.

lately my struggle has been with the fine line of being "all things to all people," and actually becoming those people. it's tough. because, i definitely want to be all things to all people (1 Cor 9:19-23), and i think God likes that. but i don't want to get wrapped up in the culture; i want to be busy, but not hurried; i want to be knowledgeable, but without pride; i want to be focused on what needs to be done, but never selfish.

hmm. i have a lot more to say about a lot of things, but i think i need sleep more than pounding out the ramblings in my head. shalom, friends.