24 August 2006

summer school roundup

my five-week stint as a teacher (tutor, whatever...i made lesson plans everyday so that has to count for something) at summer school is over. Nayisha kicked butt and passed her final; Shatieya ended up moving to tennessee two days before summer school was over; and Corey improved by almost 30% on his math proficiency test. i'm really proud of them.

so last week was kind of crazy, balancing three jobs (Sojourn responsibilities are back in full force); this week has been nice, back to "normal" life, whatever that is. but, i really miss my kiddos. i wish i had a picture of them, but here's a pic of our tutoring team, The Bulls. we were an awesome team and had a lot of fun.

lots of new Sojourn news coming at you soon! (including, we are now officially an independent non-profit).

1 comment:

cory said...

kudos for helping all your kids! that's really cool. i can't wait to see what goes on this year with Sojourn!